Atrandi Biosciences democratized SPC generation by launching a push-button microfluidic platform

VILNIUS, Lithuania | September 2023 –

Atrandi Biosciences democratized SPC generation by launching a push-button microfluidic platform

The Flux platform introduces a seamless parallelization capability, enabling simultaneous processing of up to 8 samples. Its user-friendly design leverages plastic microfluidic chips, ensuring simplicity without compromising precision. The intuitive push-button operation streamlines the encapsulation process, making it accessible even to those new to the SPC technology or microfluidics.

Designed with versatility in mind, Flux empowers researchers to conduct complex experiments with ease. The platform's adaptability and scalability make it an ideal choice for a wide range of single-cell analysis applications.
Atrandi Biosciences remains committed to pushing the boundaries of innovation in microfluidic solutions. The Flux platform represents a bold step towards unlocking new possibilities in the life sciences, fostering a future where advanced research tools are accessible to all.

Discover more about the Flux platform: